O u r  M o t t o : " T O  P R O V I D E  Q U A L I T Y  E D U C A T I O N  B Y  I N F U S I N G  A  N E W  S P I R I T  A M O N G  T H E  L E A R N E R S "





































































 Picture Gallery


Our picture gallery represents different snaps corresponding to different activities of the College, Teachers and Students


The Gargaon Palace-Kareng Ghar Main Gate of the College
Prof. V.S.Prasad, Director NAAC Faculty Members
Convocation(PhD Award) Seminar on Yoga & Meditation
College Teachers Football Team Partial View of Library
Exhibition Exhibition
1st prize in quiz competition (district level)  Social Awareness Camp
National Seminar College Sangeet
Handicrafts Exhibition National Seminar
Classroom Partial View of Laboratory


V2.0 best viewed in 800 * 600 resolution. I.E. 6.0 and above
Design and maintained by MMS Consultancy Associates Pvt Ltd.
Copyright (C) Gargaon College 2006