O u r  M o t t o : " T O  P R O V I D E  Q U A L I T Y  E D U C A T I O N  B Y  I N F U S I N G  A  N E W  S P I R I T  A M O N G  T H E  L E A R N E R S "















The College offers admission in different courses in Arts, Science and Commerce:


Procedure :- 

(i) For admission to the College, application should be made in prescribed form enclosed in the College prospectus. The prospectus, along with the application form  is available in the College office.  


(ii) Admission to the College is strictly on merit and subject to the approval of the Principal. The candidate selected should get themselves admitted on the specified day of admission failing which they will forfeit their claim.  


(iii) Attested copies of Mark- sheets of the last qualifying examination and provisional certificate from the Head of Institution last attended must be submitted along with the application form. A passport size photograph of the candidate should also be pasted at the appropriate place in the form.  


(iv) There is reservation for SC and ST students as per Government rules and for students having outstanding performances in the field of sports and culture.


(v) Candidate seeking admission against reserved seats must submit attested copies of certificates from appropriate authority along with the application form. 


(vi) Candidates who have passed the qualifying examination earlier than the current year, must submit a "Gap Certificate" regarding his activities during that period from proper authority.


(vii) Candidates seeking admission to the College will be interviewed on the specified dates as per notification.

(viii) The following documents in 'original' must be produced at the time of interview:  


(a) Mark- sheet of the examination passed.  
(b) Age Certificate.
(c) Provisional Certificate from the Head of the institution  last attended.  
(d) Gap Certificate, if any.  
(e) Migration Certificates for students migrating from a Board/Council/ University other then HSLC/AHSEC/DU with a photocopy of the same.
(f) Necessary Certificates from proper authority in case of reserved seats.
 *  Selected candidates shall have to get themselves admitted  on the day of interview, by paying the necessary dues.  


(ix) Candidate seeking admission to the College will be interviewed on the specified dates as per notification.  


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