O u r  M o t t o : " T O  P R O V I D E  Q U A L I T Y  E D U C A T I O N  B Y  I N F U S I N G  A  N E W  S P I R I T  A M O N G  T H E  L E A R N E R S "
































































Courses Offered
The College offers admission in the following courses in Arts, Science and Commerce:
Higher Secondary Arts
1. English and MIL are compulsory for all.

2. In lieu of MIL which is Assamese in this College Alternative English/ Hindi may be offered.

3. Besides English and MIL, a student can select a maximum of 4 (four) subjects from the following of which one will be additional subjects.

4. Economics, Political Science, History, Education, Sociology, Mathematics, Geography and Advance Assamese.


Higher Secondary Science
1. English and MIL (Assamese & Alt. English) are compulsory for all.

2. In lieu of MIL which is Assamese in this college Alternative English/ Hindi may be offered.

3. Besides English and MIL, a student can select a maximum of 4(f0ur) subjects from the following, of which one will be additional subject.

4. Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology, Geography, Geology, Economics.


Higher Secondary Commerce
1. English and MIL  are compulsory for all.

2. In lieu of MIL which is Assamese in this college Alternative English/ Hindi may be offered.

3. Besides English and MIL, a student can select a maximum of 4(four) subjects from the following, of which one will be additional subject.

4. Economics ,Accountancy, Business Studies, Commercial Arithmetic & Element of Statistics.


TDC Arts
1. General English is compulsory for all. except those with English as Major Subject.

2. MIL, which is compulsory, includes Assamese Only. Alternative English or Hindi may also be offered as subject, but no regular class in Hindi is held.In case of Assamese Major, Additional Assamese is one of the compulsory subject in lieu of MIL.

3. In addition to General English and MIL, a student may offer one major subject and one subsidiary subject as shown below.

Major Subjects and No. of Seats
Core Subjects
English (25) Hist./ Pol. Sc./ Edu./Sociology./ Eco.(any two)
Assamese (40) Edu/ Pol.Sc./ Hist./ Eco/Sociology
Economics (40) Pol. Sc./ Hist./  Math./Sts
Political Science (40) Eco./ Hist./ Edu/Socio/Geog
History (30) Pol. Sc./ Eco/ Edu/Socio/Geog
Education (25) Eco./ Pol.Sc./ Hist/Socio
Sociology (40) Edu./ Pol. Sc./ Hist./ Geog
Mathematics (15) Eco./ Stat.
Geography (10)




Elective Subjects - Pass Course

1. Economics

2. Geography

3. Political Science

4. Sociology

5. History

6. Education

7. Mathematics


TDC Science
1. Language subject is compulsory for all.

2. Besides the language subject students may offer one Major subject and two elective subjects from the following lists.


Major Subjects and No. of Seats
Core Subjects
Physics (10) Math./Ch/Stat./Geology
Chemistry (12) Math./Ph
Mathematics (15) Ch./ Ph./ Eco./ Stat./Geology 
Statistics (5) Ph./ Math./ Eco
Zoology (12) Ch./ Bot/Geology.
Botany (12) Ch./ Zoo./Geology
Geology (12) Ph./ Math./ Ch./ Bot.
Geography (10)


Math./ Phy/ Bot / Zoo
Elective Subjects - Pass Course
1. Ph., Ch., Math.

2. Ph., Math., Geology.

3. Ph., Math., Stat.

4. Ch., Zoo., Bot.

5. Ch., Bot., Geol./Geog.

6. Bot., Zoo., Geol.

7. Geography.

8. Ch., Zoo, Geol.

9. Geog.


TDC Commerce
1. English (subject) is compulsory for all.

2. MIL, which is compulsory, include Assamese only. Alternative English/Hindi may be offered but at present there is no provision for teaching Hindi in the College.

3. In T.D.C. Commerce course a student may offer major in Accountancy or in Business Industrial Management according to aptitude.


Pass Course
Course No.s of Seats
H.S First Year Arts A=150 . B=150
H.S First Year Arts 150
H.S First Year Arts 100
T.D.C First Year Arts 400

T.D.C First Year Science


T.D.C First Year Commerce


Post Graduate Courses
    The College conducts P.G. courses in Assamese and Sociology at present.Courses  in  other  subjects  will also be  opened in due course of time. These courses are conducted under D.D.E. Dibrugarh University.


Career Oriented Courses
     In the perspective of globalization and to cope with the changing scenario in the field of Higher  Secondary Gargaon College has introduced  the following career oriented courses. However, the college will also take necessary steps to renovate and implement other suitable courses to improve the employability of the student in the future. The following are the career oriented certificate courses.


1.  Fishery (Industrial fish and fishery).

2.  Seed Technology.

3. Tourism.

4. Child Care (Early childhood and child care).

5. Sericulture.

6. Educational Psychology (Applied Psychology).

7. Spoken English Course.

8. Tai Language.

9. Computer Application.

10. Fashion Designing. 

11. Yoga.


* * * The College itself sponsors courses from serial No 7 to 9 


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