O u r  M o t t o : " T O  P R O V I D E  Q U A L I T Y  E D U C A T I O N  B Y  I N F U S I N G  A  N E W  S P I R I T  A M O N G  T H E  L E A R N E R S "










Code of Conduct for the students of the College



       1. Students should come to the College with proper Uniform, Identity Card whenever in the College or representing the College at any other place. Further it should be produced for inspection on demand by the College staff.


     2. No Students should loiter in the veranda, corridors or College campus during lecture hours.


     3. No Students should carry outsiders to the College campus during the lecture hours. 


     4. Students should not collect any fund from classmates or outsiders without the prior written permission from the Principal.


     5. Students should not organize picnics without the prior written permission from the Principal.     


     6. Students should refrain from indulging in any form of ragging which is a cognizable offence.   


     7.  Students should attend their lectures in the sections allotted to them and not in any other class or section, unless notified by the authority.


     8. Students should read the 'NOTICE BOARD' from time to time and be informed of the instructions/information displayed for their benefit.   


    9. Students should deposit any lost property found by them with the College office. Owners of the lost property should claim the same from the office counter with due proof.     


     10. Students should not damage any College property but help in keeping the College campus neat and clean. Any damage caused to the College property shall have to be compensated by the students.


     11. Smoking, chewing gutka and tobacco is prohibited anywhere in the campus including the canteen. Any student found violating this regulation shall be dealt with severely.


     12.  Use of mobile phone by the students is strictly prohibited in the campus. Any student violating this regulation will be penalized.


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