O u r  M o t t o : " T O  P R O V I D E  Q U A L I T Y  E D U C A T I O N  B Y  I N F U S I N G  A  N E W  S P I R I T  A M O N G  T H E  L E A R N E R S "






Name of the library:- Central Library, The Gargaon College.


Nature of the library:- 

              (a)   Academic Library

              (b)   Open Access for its users 


  Library Building :-   
                                      (a) Size of the Building 50 ft x 60 ft=3000 sq. ft.             
 Reading Room :- Three Reading Rooms are available in the first floor of the Library
                        Building with seating capacity for 100 Readers at a time.
                              (a)     Total nos. of Book   :- 18,000.
                                         (i) Text Books        :- 16,247
                                         (ii) Reference Book :-   1,753
                              (b)     Total nos. of Journal  : Donated :- 400
                              (c)     Total nos. of Journal  : Procured :-
                                         (i) Back Volumes :- 300 Nos.  
                                         (ii) Current Periodicals Subscribed :- 8 Nos./Month
 News Papers    :-
                                         (i) Assamese Daily   :- 5 Nos.
                                         (ii) English :
                                                   1. Regional Daily    :- 1 Nos. 
                                                   2. National Daily    :- 1 Nos.
                                                   3. National Weekly :- Employment News
Reprography & Internet Facility :- Yes.

Working Hours of the Library     :- 9 AM to 4 PM. (Week days)



Staff Members
(1)  Mr. Pankaj Kr. Nath, Librarian M.Lib.Sc

Librarian, Mr. Pankaj Kr. Nath

(2)  Mrs. Archana Konwar, Library Asstt.
(3)  Mr. Dipak Gogoi
(4)  Mrs. Lily Gogoi, Attendent




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